
The KAMBE Project is using a number of emerging digital technologies for the detection, recording, and analysis of Late Bronze Age built environments, including several methods of remote sensing.  Survey using archaeological geophysics is key to allowing us to detect the remains of buried features (buildings, roads, tombs, etc.) in order to understand the urban structure of Kalavasos and Maroni.  We are using 3D laser scanning to rapidly produce accurate, high resolution records of the extant architecture and landscape of both sites.  At the same time, new advancements in photogrammetry, particularly the development of new software packages, are now making it possible to produce high quality 3D models of archaeological data at a relatively low cost and may replace scanning in some applications.  Both methods have been used to record our new excavation areas at K-AD.  The data they produce can also be used to create 3D models of past built environments that we hope will provide insight into some of the experiential aspects of movement and visibilty in Late Bronze Age cities.  Some off these data will be used in a new augmented reality (AR) app being developed in collaboration with NGRAIN Corp. that will allow people on site to use their GPS-enabled mobile devices to visualize various aspects of K-AD’s archaeology.  The KAMBE Project is also involved in a pilot project to test the potential for aerial thermography to detect subsurface archaeological features using a UAV (or “drone”). 

This section provides information on these methods and the specific equipment used by the KAMBE Project.